Location Tracking & Location Based Services Policy

At Trades of Brit, we may use location-based services to enhance your shopping experience, such as helping you find nearby stockists or providing localized offers. We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected when you share your location with us.

  • Opt-In Consent: We will only collect location data if you explicitly allow it. You are always in control of when and how this information is shared.
  • Clear Purpose: We will only use your location data for the purpose we communicate to you—whether to show you local events, stores, or offers based on your area.
  • Minimal Data Collection: We collect only the data necessary for the service being provided and will not track or store your location unnecessarily.
  • Data Security: Any location data shared with us is encrypted and stored securely. We do not share this data with third parties unless it’s necessary to provide a service, and those partners must meet our strict privacy standards.
  • Control and Deletion: You can easily turn off location services or request that we delete any stored location data by contacting us directly.

We are committed to protecting your privacy while providing a personalized and enriching experience with Trades of Brit.

At Trades of Brit, we may use location-based services to enhance your shopping experience, such as helping you find nearby stockists or providing localized offers. We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected when you share your location with us.

  • Opt-In Consent: We will only collect location data if you explicitly allow it. You are always in control of when and how this information is shared.
  • Clear Purpose: We will only use your location data for the purpose we communicate to you—whether to show you local events, stores, or offers based on your area.
  • Minimal Data Collection: We collect only the data necessary for the service being provided and will not track or store your location unnecessarily.
  • Data Security: Any location data shared with us is encrypted and stored securely. We do not share this data with third parties unless it’s necessary to provide a service, and those partners must meet our strict privacy standards.
  • Control and Deletion: You can easily turn off location services or request that we delete any stored location data by contacting us directly.

We are committed to protecting your privacy while providing a personalized and enriching experience with Trades of Brit.